Art galaxy

Art & Craft

“Crafting is a way to make something out of nothing.”

Welcome to ART GALAXY, Where creativity knows no boundaries

Our Services

Fiverr is a website that offers art and craft services, including video creation, writing, and design. 

Fibre and Textile Crafts

Bobbin lace is a delicate and intricate lace-making technique that uses bobbins wound with fine threads to create beautiful, complex patterns. 

Visual Art

Visual art refers to art forms that primarily communicate through visual means, relying on sight for appreciation and interpretation. 

Paper Craft

Paper crafts can be a fun and creative way to use old materials. Paper flowers are a popular choice for home decor and handmade gifts. 

about art

Types of art

The traditional subdivision of the arts, being Music, Sculpture, Painting, Literature, Architecture, Performing, and Film.

  • Madhubani Painting.
  • Miniature Painting.
  • Warli Painting.
  • Pattachitra.
  • Kalamkari Painting.


A canvas painting is a artwork created by applying pain directly onto a stretched canvasa durable fabric typically made from cotton or linen, which serves as the base for the painting; artists commonly use acrylic or oil paints on canvas, allowing for a wide range of textures and styles, making it a popular medium for both beginners and professional painters due to its versatility and longevity. 

An uninspiring canvas becomes a glamorous masterpiece when it is reattributed to a better-known artist.

I put on the canvas whatever comes into my mind.


A landscape painting is essentially emotional in origin. It exists as a record of an effect in nature whose splendour has moved a human heart, and according as it is well or ill done it moves the hearts of others.

-Madhu Gupta
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